What a great game! We won, 5 more points than gnora and only 1 point behind juven. I believe that No. 3 will be our last rank!!!
As I can tell you florenze is so fucking hot, I was necked when I was watching the game. What even hotter is the emotion fiorentina fans showed to me.
Again, got a lot of signitures from the players such as melo, JOJO. I will give it to you guys who book thing from me as a gift. haha
I have bought almost all of the staffs you guys want. But the prises are higher than them showed on the website. Hope you can accept this.
On the other hand, the old style shirt for bati in middel 1990 were gone. The 80 years celebration shrit was also gone. The silver nick ring and shoutao(do not know how to say it in English) were sold out for all the shops. But I will try to find them tomorrow.
Good news is the shrit for this year have a 30% off in one of store. But only have color in purple, S, M, XL and XXL in size. Very beautiful number and name. Do any one what it?